
    It's never just business

    It's always personal

  • Recent Achievements

    In 2020 - 2023, Bitesize companies received $37M from Afore Capital, Abstract, Coelius Capital, Energize, and Obvious Ventures

    $200+ Million Value Created

    On a capital basis, Bitesize has created an estimated $200M+ in value. Wealth that remunerates people beyond our count, supports clients, companies, governments and future investments.

    Y Combinator Success

    SINAI was accepted into the Winter 2020 cohort of Y Combinator. With constant support from Bitesize, the team pursued independent investment channels and was rewarded.

    Woman Founders

    We address gender equality in venture-backed startups. Within three years, we quadrupled the number of female staff and co-founders working at Bitesize companies to thirty-five. SINAI's leadership team is 55% female, and both Woopdo and Dianima have a woman co-founder.

    90 Jobs, 90 Families

    From the beginning, Bitesize has prioritized supporting economic opportunity by creating quality jobs for as many people as possible. Today, there are over ninety families that support themselves because of the work that Bitesize has created.

    Minority Inclusion

    Our companies have founders from Brazil, Cuba, Spain, Peru, Iran, Poland, Hungary, U.K., Canada and the United States. SINAI was founded by Latin-American immigrants, and Dianima's co-founder CEO is Iranian-American. Our companies have staff from 20+ nationalities.

    Environment & Health

    We can be proud that our first three projects to go to market address clear social priorities in the form of reducing carbon emissions and climate change, addressing teen social media relationship, and improving health outcomes and health care costs.

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